The current regulations on safety, such as the D.Lgs. 81/2008, invite professionals to prefer, where it is possible, the collective protective measures rather than individual protections, especially on public buildings (schools, hospitals, museums, etc …) and in situations where you can not prevent access to places where there is danger of a fall from a height. Railings and gangways are part of collective protection systems against falls from a height.

Allukemi Sky Railings

Is the safest and most ergonomic fall arrest system, because it allows freedom of movement on workplaces more than any other system, because the operator is not bound to any device.

Allukemi Step Gangways

They allow operators to overcome areas where the transit is inhibited (on translucent, not walkable areas). The shelves and side elements are also used to create ladders suitable for overcoming sheds.

Safety Nets

Temporary devices, subject to yearly revision.